Rules and Regulations at Empac Emperors Academy

Welcome to Empac Emperors Academy, where excellence meets education. To ensure a conducive learning environment and the well-being of our students, please adhere to the following rules and regulations:

  1. Academic Integrity:

    • Maintain the highest standards of academic honesty. Plagiarism and cheating are strictly prohibited.
  2. Attendance and Punctuality:

    • Attend all classes regularly and arrive on time. If unable to attend, notify instructors in advance.
  3. Respect and Professionalism:

    • Treat fellow students, staff, and instructors with respect. Foster a culture of professionalism and collaboration.
  4. Use of Technology:

    • Use technology responsibly in class. Avoid disruptive behavior, and follow guidelines for device use during lectures.
  5. Code of Conduct:

    • Adhere to the academy's code of conduct, promoting a positive and inclusive learning environment.
  6. Submission Deadlines:

    • Submit assignments and projects by the specified deadlines. Late submissions may result in grade deductions.
  7. Dress Code:

    • Maintain a neat and professional appearance. Follow any specific dress code guidelines for practical sessions.
  8. Facility Usage:

    • Respect the academy's facilities and equipment. Report any damage or issues promptly.
  9. Communication Protocol:

    • Use official channels of communication for academy-related matters. Check emails and announcements regularly.
  10. Privacy and Confidentiality:

    • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of fellow students and academy staff. Do not share sensitive information without consent.

Violation of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including warnings, suspension, or expulsion. By enrolling at Empac Emperors Academy, you agree to abide by these rules and contribute to the creation of a positive and enriching learning environment.

Thank you for your commitment to excellence at Empac Emperors Academy!